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As we come to the end of Living Wage Week, we are proud to announce that HideOut Youth Zone is now an accredited Real Living Wage Employer! The Real Living Wage is the only UK wage rate that is voluntarily paid by almost 9,000 UK businesses who believe their staff deserves a wage that meets everyday needs.

HideOut Youth Zone’s accreditation with the Living Wage Foundation confirms that we pay ALL of our staff a real living wage, which is higher than the Government’s minimum or National Living Wage. It is an independently calculated hourly rate of pay that is based on the actual cost of living. The Real Living Wage is currently £9.50 in the UK, with a higher rate of £10.85 for London.

On 15th November, the Living Wage Foundation announced that their new wage rate is £9.90, which HideOut Youth Zone are excited to implement from 1st April 2022.

Being a real living wage employer is good for colleagues, good for business, and good for society. According to Living Wage, 75% say it has increased motivation and retention rates for employees, 86% say it has improved the reputation of the business, and 90% agreed that pay should reflect living costs.

Adam Farricker, CEO of HideOut Youth Zone, said:

“At HideOut, we believe in giving our staff a fair pay for their hard work, so we are proud to now be an accredited Real Living Wage employer through the Living Wage Foundation. We value our staff members massively, so to be able to offer this is amazing.”

Jennifer Atkins, a HideOut Youth Zone trustee and People Director at Bruntwood, said:

“Our board of trustees formally approved our recommendation for HideOut Youth Zone to become a Real Living Wage employer from 1st November 2021. Being a real living wage employer is just another way in which we’re bringing to life our values, our employer brand, and our goals in relation to diversity and inclusion in a very tangible and real way.”

You can read more about the Living Wage Foundation here: