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Staff and Young Leaders receive climbing wall training at HideOut. 

On Saturday 15th April, HideOut welcomed Paul Rolinson from Adventure Training to the Youth Zone to lead additional climbing wall training to HideOut staff and to HideOut’s group of Young Leaders.  

Paul delivered accessible climbing training to Sport and Inclusion Youth Workers, which included understanding and using accessible harnesses and equipment. The five youth workers involved received qualifications in accessible climbing training. 

HideOut ensures its youth provision is inclusive and provides an environment where members with additional needs or disabilities feel safe, involved and welcome and aims to make actvities at the Youth Zone accessible to all. The training received will go towards ensuring all young people can access the climbing wall in a safe and inclusive way.  

Paul also held a session with HideOut’s Young Leaders.  

Young Leaders are Senior Club members of HideOut who volunteer their time on Junior and Sunday Club sessions to support other young people and increase overall engagement on these sessions. 

Young Leaders who attended the training learnt about rope assistance and hosting the climbing wall, boosting their confidence and empowerment to managing the wall. 

Young Leader, Mala, said: “I enjoyed learning more than I already knew and getting to put these skills into use” 

Sports Coordinator, Zoe Reid, said: “We’re passionate about making sure all our sporting activities are inclusive so we can encourage more young people to engage in physical activity. Physical activity is so important to young people’s development and at HideOut it’s all about making activity fun and engaging so we can encourage happy, safe and successful lives.” 

HideOut is a local Youth Charity who has supported over 6,000 young people, with over 20% identifying as those with an additional need or disability.  

To continue our work, we need support from the community to raise funds to provide accessible equipment for our young people. If you would like to make a donation, please go to: