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Home » Volunteering
Our passionate volunteers help us to empower young people in a variety of meaningful ways. From frontline fundraising, to cooking up a storm in our cooking classes; from sitting on the board of trustees, to standing in as Goalkeeper on the football pitch; from coaching in the boxing ring, to just having a meaningful conversation with a young person – our volunteers really do cover all the bases!
You don’t have to have a background in Youth Work to make a difference with young people – sometimes a simple conversation or a simple activity can be just the type of engagement a young person may need.
Our mission is to create truly meaningful, well supported volunteer roles that directly or indirectly enrich the lives of young people. We want every volunteer to know how their contribution is affecting real change for the young people within their community.
Whatever the activity you get involved with, everyone has their own journey and reasons why they volunteer, but here are just a few of the benefits of getting involved:
It’s a great way to fill gaps in between your work experience, you can even receive a reference after 3 months of committed volunteering!
You’ll learn and do things that you might not normally get the chance to – this can be a real confidence boost.
You’ll probably meet people from different cultures and backgrounds that you might not normally. Volunteering with people who are as passionate about improving the opportunities for young people, as you are, is a great way to meet like-minded people.
58% of volunteers credit volunteering with improving their job chances – Royal Voluntary Service
© 2022 HideOut Youth Zone | Registered Charity Number: 1179712 | Company Number: 11309137